sales funnelLooking to generate more traffic, leads and sales?

I’ve been a beta tester for High Traffic Academy for quite some time now. I’ve been through the trainings twice already and have been part of the community for almost 2 years. One thing I have learned is that in order to generate sales, you need leads. And you can’t get any leads if you don’t have any traffic. Hence, the perfect name “High Traffic Academy”.
But what has it done for my business?  After struggling for several years, within 12 months of applying what I learned with HTA 2.0, has helped me become top 4th producer for most sales in my network marketing company out of 350,000 affiliates.  I achieved this only after applying what I learned within HTA.  Below are the 5 key things you need to know about High Traffic Academy and before you even try to make money online with your own business.

1. Learn How To Generate Quality Traffic

Most anybody can pick up an online course on how to generate traffic for their business, but over 97.4% of these business owners will learn to generate garbage traffic or simply traffic from people that don’t care much about your product or service, which ultimately leads business owners to failure.

Traffic is the livelihood for any business, but in order for that business to strive, it is important to learn the #1 skill every business owner should have. And that is TARGETED traffic. Without it, you will become part of the 99% of business owners who will fail and close their doors within 10 years.

2. Getting Quality Leads

Here’s the second most important piece of the puzzle. After mastering quality traffic generation, the question is how to get those hungry buyers to become your personal leads? How to get these people to WANT to buy your products or services? Well, within HTA, we have what is called “Capture Mastery”. This one module speaks loads about how to get that traffic to opt-in to your landing page requesting for more information.

Did you know that every lead capture page MUST have 3 components? And if one of the 3 key components are missing or if they are in the wrong order, then it doesn’t matter if you have quality traffic, you will get little to no leads. In Captura Mastery, you’ll learn about all the psychological triggers, tricks and magnets you need to know in order to capture the leads YOU NEED to generate the full time income you want.

Below is a snapshot of my Getresponse backoffice showing the amount of leads I generate consistently with my business. I practice what I preach and here’s the proof.

How to generate Leads fast

3. Converting Those Leads Into Actual Paying Customers

Here’s where the rubber meets the road.  You see all those leads I generate every month?  It doesn’t really matter if you can get traffic and leads if you don’t know how to take those people through your funnel properly to get them to buy.  That’s where Attraction Marketing comes in.   I wish I could tell you that there is a magic button you can push and that a high percentage of leads would convert into buyers.  However, this is where you need to be prepared the most.

Creating the right magnetic funnel is crucial in order to become successful with your business online.  Magnetic Funnels will help your leads become familiar with you and your product and will make your selling process 95%-100% automated.   Without a Funnel, you are doomed.

But I’m not talking about just any marketing funnel.  I’m talking about a funnel that focuses on providing value through a step by step process that will help you convert up to 700% more than a typical marketing funnel.  This is exactly what took me to become a top producer in my company.  And yes, you probably guessed it, that exactly what you’ll learn within HTA 2.0

4. Mentorship On Steroids

With our weekly calls and Q&A’s that we have on HTA 2.0, you have access to a multimillionaire that has been there and done that.  As Robert Kiyosaki said:

“If you want to go somewhere, it’s much easier to simply follow someone who has already been there.”

It’s been proven that every person on this planet has achieved great success thanks to having a mentor that is always there to help you every step of the way.  Well, you have that with HTA 2.0, just because I will have my own weekly sessions with my team to help answer any questions and provide additional value for your online business.

5.- All Under One Roof?

I’m not going to tell you that HTA 2.0 is the best thing since sliced bread. What I can tell you with great certainty is that what I learned from HTA 2.0 is ALL I needed to know to generate a full time income, all under one roof.  I never need to go out and buy any other course, program or software because I have access to everything in one same place.

So, here’s the deal.  Click below to get on the EARLY BIRD list for HTA2.0.  If you’ve come to this post and it’s too late, still subscribe, cause I’ll give you some bonuses that you’ll never get from anybody else in this industry, including my one-on-one mentorship and support to help you start your business online the right way.

Please leave me your comments below and I look forward to seeing you on the inside.


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