Are you failing in your network marketing business? You are not alone.  You are part of over 97% of struggling network marketers that fail within their first 6 months of business.  Just look at the success rate from companies like Amway, Herbalife to name a few.  However you can increase your odds of success by simply fixing the 7 biggest mistakes network marketers make.

A short 3 years ago I was another failed network marketer living with my wife and kids in a 28′ RV and on government assistance.  After fixing these 7 mistakes, within 30 days I became one of the top producers in my company. Here’s the list of mistakes and how to fix them.

Mistake #1 – Not Knowing Your Why

Whats Your WhyProbably one of the most common mistakes you can make is not to be clear with your “Why”.  Their’s a good chance you started a network marketing business after watching dozens of great testimonials of people generating a 6 and 7 figure income within a few years.  Though only a small percentage of people will accomplish such goals, what you will notice from all of these people and what they have in common is that they are very clear with their WHY.

Having a crystal clear picture of your WHY will get you 2/3 of the the way to become successful in your business. As a matter a fact it will make your business much easier since it’ll allow you to stay focussed on your goals and whenever you “work” at your business, the “work” actually becomes a PASSION just because you know that every income producing activity you do will ultimately get you closer to you end goal.

The larger the goal, the more obstacles you will have, but greater the reward.  Having a clear picture of WHY you are doing this will help you see the “obstacles” only as a sign that you are getting closer to your goals.  I wrote a blog post recently where I share a couple of great inspirational videos by Tony Robbins that I’m sure you will love.  Check them out here.  Also, check out my list of top personal development books here that I highly recommend which will help you find and stay focussed on your why.

Mistake #2 – Elevate Your Prospects Above You

This is a common mistake amongst newbie network marketers just because they are struggling to get theirElevate prospects “1st” sale.  Aside from your prospects being able to perceive your desperation and hunger to get him/her in, making your prospect feel more important than you will make your prospect not respect or want to join your team.

As they say “People join People and not Businesses”.  Since I started in Network Marketing back in 2007, I learned over the years that it doesn’t really matter if I have the greatest product invented since sliced bread.  If I’m not able to connect with my prospects at a personal level, people will not buy anything from me.  Also, people follow leaders and by you elevating your prospect above you, they will not see you as a leader, but as somebody that is trying to make ends meet or recruit their first few people in your business.

You don’t have to be a top earner before you are leader.  Leaders are created and I attribute 90% of my success to reading personal development books.  You must BELIEVE that you are a leader in order be considered a leader by others. Check out these books.  They have helped me exponentially in my business over the years.

Mistake #3 – Selling Before Attracting

sales pitchThis mistake speaks for itself.  Trying to sell a product before gaining people’s trust is the equivalent of cold calling people out of the phone book. You may get some sales, but your odds of succeeding are slim to none.

Studies have shown that in order for somebody to buy your products or services, they must be exposed to you 7-12 times before they decide to buy. You MUST win their trust before you have the right to ask for the sale.  This is where capturing emails and blogging can help you attract prospects which will help you convert more of these prospects into sales in a semi-automated fashion.

A great way to attract prospects is to first provide value driven content to your potential customers and educating them without asking anything in return. This can be done through a free webinar, free report, free video series or your through your blog.  If you are able to solve peoples’ problems, you WILL gain their trust sooner or later.  Once you have their trust, then you have the right to ask for the sale.  So don’t forget to ATTRACT FIRST, then sell.

Mistake #4 – Talk Too Much

I have to confess that I’ve been guilty on this account.  But I’m doing much better now. :o)   Most newbietalk too much network marketers tend to talk too much because they are very passionate about their product or service they are offering.  When in fact, studies have shown that talking too much can actually scare your prospects away.   Being concise and to the point with the benefits of your product is much more powerful than trying to convince people that your product is the best one on the market.

Let the product speak for itself.  Providing samples and free trials usually does the trick and will allow you to convert more people into customers. After allowing your prospects go through the “Try before you buy” stage, they will have more than enough to say about what you have to offer and will make it much easier for you to make the sale.

I’ve learned that I can’t force feed my products to anyone.  I may be able to convince someone to buy them, but most of these people will not become returning customers.  I’d rather let the product work for me and if they decide to buy, I will have a long term customer which in the end will make me more money than the one that I force fed and begged to buy.

Mistake #5 – Making It Seem That It’s Too Good To Be True

too good to be trueSound familiar? I’m sure that you’ve come across your share of opportunities that they simply seem too good to be true.  Think about your reaction when you first heard about them.  It scared you away, didn’t it?  With the exception of the very first thing you saw on the internet, being naive will make you buy anything online.  That’s what happened to me in the beginning making me lose thousands of dollars searching for the next big thing.

Nowadays people are more sceptic about online business opportunities. I’ve been scammed a few times, but I am grateful for those experiences because it allowed me to learn what to stay away from.  It’s a lot easier to spot a scam today as opposed to 10 years ago.  98% of MLM companies fail within 12-18 months and most of them close down because they were a disguised ponzi scheme.

When you speak to your prospect about your business opportunity, it is important to be transparent and don’t make it seem like it’s the best business in the world. Remember, people buy people and not businesses.  It doesn’t matter if your products can cure cancer or make them a million dollars.  You will make more money by simply being yourself than trying to sell your product as the next best thing online.

Mistake #6 – Making Your Team Members Stay In Their Comfort Zone

Every single top leader in the industry has achieved massive results in their business only after they movedno comfort zone out of their comfort zone.  This is the same reason why 97% of the population are still employees and will remain employees for the rest of their lives.  This mistake not only applies to your team members, but also to you.

“Your Actions Determine Your Results”

Push your team members to take massive action.  Encourage them to do things that they aren’t comfortable by speaking to their core and making them realize that they will not achieve the results they want if they keep on doing the same things they do.

Never offer to do everything for them. This is probably the biggest mistake you make when recruiting new team members.  Instead of offering to help them build their business, create a series of videos teaching them step by step of what needs to be done to make the business work.

By speaking to your team member with the honest truth, they will realize that in order to be successful in life and in their business they must follow your system no matter what.  If they aren’t willing to follow your advice, then respectfully cut them off.  By being direct and honest about what is required to become successful, they will appreciate it and will follow your advice you allowing you to have more duplication in your business.

Mistake #7 – Never Asking Your Sponsor For Support

ask for supportBelieve it or not, this probably happens with 90% of my team members.  Even though I tell them that they can count on me and ask for any assistance, most of them don’t take advantage of it.  Now there’s a difference between me helping my affiliates one-on-one and helping them through a group training or group chat.

I have weekly calls and I encourage everyone to come to ask any questions they may have.  The reason I do them in a group format is that it allows me to answer one question, while helping 20 others that may have the same question, but are embarrassed to ask.

I used to get messages all the time from my downline telling me that other team members have asked them for help.  These people are people that have trouble following instructions.  Even though they were told to bring up their questions in our weekly Q&A calls, they feel better asking their questions to someone directly as opposed to doing it in a group session.

The reality is that working one-on-one is inefficient and will not allow you to grow your business exponentially.  It may be feasible to help your first 5-10 members one-on-one, but as time goes by, you will realize that the time these people will take from you will drive you crazy and ultimately make you want to throw in the towel.

If your sponsor doesn’t have a team call, then ask them if their sponsor has one.  Keep on searching up the ladder until you find a team that provides these group calls that will help you take your business to a whole new level.  Just because your sponsor doesn’t provide you with team calls, doesn’t mean that you have to do the business alone.  The most successful network marketers have achieved success thanks to the support from their sponsor and/or team.  Very rare you’ll see someone become a top earner on his own.


You’ve discovered the secrets to how I was able to build a team of hundreds of people within 12 months that currently generate a full time income for me and my family.  Fixing these mistakes helped me pave the road to my success much easier as opposed to having much more friction and obstacles along the way.

Most people in network marketing neglect to even acknowledge that they are making these mistakes in their business. Not to mention try to fix them at all.  That’s why if you start your business identifying them and correcting  your behavior before they even happen using this list as a guideline, you can rest assure that you will find success sooner or later in your network marketing business.

Aside from correcting all of these mistakes, one common obstacle that you will most likely come across is lead generation.  This blog you are on right now has allowed me to generate hundreds of free leads on autopilot for my business.  Without leads, you have no prospect, which equates to zero sales.

Click on the video below to watch step by step how this blog captures enough leads each and every month that allows me to generate a full time income from the comfort of my own home.

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