Napoleon HIll has been an inspiration for me since I started my very first business back in 2001. I’ve learned that the only way to achieve great success in my life was through personal development.
One of my mentors introduced me to him and within 30 days, it changed my life dramatically making a 5 figure month shortly after applying his teachings.
  1. Think twice before you speak, because your words and influence will plant the seed of either success or failure in the mind of another.

    Napoleon Hill
    We have the capacity to influence every person we speak to. It is really up to us to be a positive or negative influence in their lives.
    I recent study showed that the average person will impact over 10,000 people in their life.
    Just imagine if that is the “average”, how many people can you impact if your really made an effort.
  2. Victory is always possible for the person who refuses to stop fighting.

    Napoleon Hill
    These words couldn’t be more accurate if you want to achieve true success. Early on I discovered that failure doesn’t really exist unless I throw in the towel. So if you want to become successful in anything in life, simply get rid of all the “towels” in your home. 😉
  3. It is literally true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed.

    Napoleon Hill
    Did you know that 90% of brick and mortar businesses fail within their first 5 years? Also, 9 out of 10 of those remaining businesses will also fail within 10 years.
    That translates to a whopping 99% of businesses failing within 10 years!
    One of the things I’ve discovered over the 14 years I’ve had businesses is that if I focus primarily in myself before others, then I will eventually fail, which I have multiple times.
    Today, my focus is helping others. By focusing on helping others, my business has exploded tremendously. Today, I now help business owners in 21 countries and growing.
    It’s amazing what a few words of wisdom can do for your life IF and ONLY IF you execute them properly. It took me 12 years to realize that and less than 18 months to achieve the success I have today because I decided to apply them faithfully.
  4. Don’t wait. The time will never be just right.

    Napoleon Hill
    Are you waiting for something to happen so you can follow what you are truly passionate about?
    Time flies and you will never gain back those lost years. Kids grow up and eventually leave home. Stop trading your time for money and make money work for you.
  5. What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.

    Napoleon Hill
    Probably one of the most famous personal development quotes of all time. If you are reading this, there’s a good chance that you know that personal development has or will change your life dramatically.
    The sky is the limit with what you can achieve in life. I’ve gone to achieve great things as well as I have failed in a great way. Everything I’ve have been through (the good and bad) has been due to my own decisions. What you think, you will become.
Click on the link below and watch the video to see if it’s really True or Hype that personal development can make you money when sharing your thoughts through a blog like this one. You’ll be shocked when you see the facts.

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