After years of thinking about it, talking about it, and being gently pushed by my husband, I have decided to take the leap into the blogosphere. My intention for starting to blog is to have a modern day diary of sorts to record my family’s going ons. But if someone happens to find that entertaining or encouraging, then all the better!

The name Screaming Pebbles came about as my family and I were brainstorming names. My oldest pebble came up with it and then I found this quote that really resonanted with me. 

” The least movement is of importance to all nature. The entire ocean is affected by a pebble.” ~Blaise Pascal

It just made me realize that I am helping raise the future generation. That my little pebbles can have an immense, powerful effect on the world. THAT, my friends, is an incredibly humbling thought. And frankly, a little frightening. Nevertheless, with God’s grace and guidance, I am trying my hardest to guide these little pebbles to make the right kind of waves. 🙂

Annnnnnnnnd the “screaming” part? Well, I am the mother of 3 boys. Sooooo as you can imagine, there tends to be a lot of noise here. A lot. Screaming over toys, screaming from happiness and unfortunately, screaming by a mommy who has lost her cool. 🙁 Just keepin’ it real. But at the end of the day, as long as the happy screams outweigh the frustrated ones, we call it a success! 

In my next post, I will introduce you to my family of pebbles! 

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