How Color Blind Are You?  Take The Color Blindness Test

Color IQ Test

Color IQ Test

Chances are that you have already taken one of those IQ test, but have you ever taken a COLOR IQ test?

This test will tell you if you are one of the millions of people around the world that have color blindness.  It’s a fun test test to take and share with your friends and family.

Studies have shown that 1 out of 255 women and 1 out of 12 men have some degree of blindness.   When it comes to design and products that we buy, it’s quite intriguing to see that most of us will perceive the color in a different way.

X-Rite, a company that specializes in technology and science of color (and owners of the popular pantone color system) has created a really cool “Color IQ” online test.

A series of colored swatches are laid between two subtly different colors and it’s your job to rearrange them in the proper order.  After you are done, it will give you your score on a scale of 0-100.  The LOWER your score the better. Take the IQ test.


Take The COLOR IQ TEST here

Feel free to comment below and enter the score you got.

Thanks for stopping by.  Until my next post.  Bye for now.

P.S.  To Learn how I’m able to generate a full time income with this blog, watch this video now.

how to make 10000 a month - Leonel Castro

~Leonel Castro

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