How To Save Money For A Trip – Money Saving Tips

How To Save Money For a Trip

How To Save Money For a Trip

As you read through my blog posts, you will learn that I’m really passionate about saving money and stretching it to have a better lifestyle. Here’s a blog post that I wrote about how to save money for retirement, but the same can be applied to this same blog post on how to save money for a trip.

The strategies that I wrote about in that post are things that I apply every day and has allowed me to pave my way to true wealth before I even retire. But here are some ideas on how to save money for a trip that you can start today and can help you stash a good amount of money every month for that dream trip you’ve been planning for.

5 Money Saving Tips For Your Dream Trip

1.- Stop eating out during your lunchtime at work and instead take some leftovers fromsaving-money home.  It sure adds up.  Paying $6-$8 a day for lunch can add up to as much as $172 a month.  By taking leftovers from home, you can save as much as $150 a month.

2.- Ease off the lead foot with you are driving.  By watching your gas consumption and taking your foot off the gas pedal when you see ahead that the stop light is red, can save you as much as 8% of gas each month.  8% may not sound like much, but for the average family, that’s a savings of about $350.00 each year.

3.- You can lower your cell phone bill by using Skype on your Iphone or Android.  Unlimited Skype is only $30.00 per year.  I have it installed on my Iphone and was able to reduce my phone bill by almost 40%.

4.- Start buying in bulk when you find great deals at the grocery store or at Costco.  If you want to take it to the next level, then buy an extra freezer and store bread, milk and vegetables. By also using coupons, you can save as much as 50% off your grocery list.

5.- Cook in bulk.  I wrote about this on a previous post.  You basically cook several meals over a weekend and then vacuum seal the equal amount of servings for your family (i.e. 4 servings per vacuum sealed bag). This will save you time because you only have to cook one weekend every couple months.   You will also save on gas because you will not have to go to the grocery store as often.  And last but not least, you will literally have zero waste.  No more throwing food away because you will only be reheating the exact serving amounts for every meal.

Now, I know that you came here to find out how to save money for a trip, but what if I told you a way how you can make money while traveling?  What if I told you there’s a way that you don’t have to worry about “saving” money, but instead enjoy more time with your family while travelling all around the world?  Would you be interested?

Watch this video which shows you exactly how I’m able to generate an income with this blog which will allow us to move to Spain next year.  No need to have a 9-5 job. All you need is a blog like this one to accomplish your travelling goals.

If you enjoyed this please, then please share with others.

Until my next post, bye for now.

Leonel Castro

~Leonel Castro

tag: how to save money for a trip

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