Here I’m going to share how to make money from your blog.  In 2013, if you don’t have a blog, then there’s a good chance that you are leaving money on the table.  Small to large corporations have their own blog.  Doesn’t matter which industry it is, most successful businesses have one.  They even hire a blogger full time to post every day.

A blog is a way for your client or customer to become closer to you through the building of TRUST.  Through your blog, your customers can see that there is a real person behind the blog as opposed to someone hiding behind a website and not wanting to show their face.

You can find countless ways on the internet on how to make money from your blog.  The secret for it to be successful is consistency.  Blogging in my opinion is therapeutic and I love sharing my insights and ideas to the world.  I’m sure I will not be able to get everyone to agree with my way of thinking, but if I can get people to engage with me, then I have a potential follower to build my tribe.

Building your own tribe is essential when creating your own blog because within your own tribe people will trust you because through your own words and thought sharing.  They become closer to you at a more personal level.  So if you were to recommend a product or service, there’s a good chance that they will buy that product or service because they learned to trust you just like a friend.

How To Make Money From Your Blog

How to make money from your blog

How to make money from your blog

So if you have a blog today and want to learn how to make money from your blog, then all you need to do is attach your blog to an affiliate program that can pay you dividends for the short and long term.   To the right, you will see a video that actually explains how to make money from your blog.  It’s very simple and can be very lucrative if you really enjoy blogging or simply voicing your opinion about anything in life.

After you have seen the video, please come back here and post your comment. I’d love to hear from you and your opinion about blogging online and how you too can generate some income for yourself.

Check out my other posts here.  Until next time.

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